Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Half Past Autumn - Gordon Parks Questions (All parts)

1. The doctor saved Gordon's life by immersing him in ice-cold water which caused a shock in his body and made his heart to start beating again.

2. Gordon was born in Fort Scott, Kansas.

3. Ms. McClintock advised him to not to go to college since he was a black student and told him not to spend their families' money as they were all going to end up as maids and porters anyway.

4. Gordon's mother, Sarah, died when Gordon was only 14 years old.

5. Gordon moved to live with his sister Maggie in St. Paul, Minnesota.

6. No, Gordon never went to college.

7. Parks was inspired by photographs of migrants workers in a magazine so he bought his first camera and began to take pictures of  migrant workers and he soon got an assignment at a women's store in St. Paul, Minnesota.

8. A double exposure is a photographic technique that combines two images into one.

9. Joe Louis was the first African American boxer to achieve nationwide recognition and played a key role in the anti-Nazi movement before WWII.

10. Parks played the piano.

11. The purpose of farm security administration was to help reduce poverty.

12. Stryker's first assignment for Gordon was to go around Washington D.C. and take pictures of the working class people to portray their hardships like the famous American Gothic.

13. Ella Watson was a pioneer from Wyoming who got accused of cattle rustling and was hence lynched by powerful cattle ranchers for not listening to them.

14. Wood's inspiration to paint that picture came from the Dibble House which was a small white house with Gothic architecture. His painting visualized the house and the type of people he imagined that would live inside.

15. Gordon learned that the subjects of photography are more important as they are the ones who give a true meaning and value to the picture. He learned about all the hardships humans faced on a daily basis and became more compassionate.

16. The FSA shut down soon after 1941.

17. Gordon Parks shot for Vogue after he moved to New York City.

18. Wilson Hicks was the picture editor of Life Magazine when Gordon Parks first walked in.

19. The first major story Parks covered for Life Magazine was a crime story of Harlem's gang leader.

20. Gordon was heavily influenced by the works of Van Gogh, Bernard, and Picasso when he moved to the Paris Life Magazine bureau.

21. Gordon followed the models and shot their movements to capture the fashion element.

22. Parks' concerto performed in Venice, Italy.

23. Gordon's second wife was a model named Elizabeth Campbell. Her father was Gordon's boss.

24. Flavio de Silva was 12 years old when Parks first met him.

25. Parks met Flavio when he was on an assignment for Life magazine in Brazil.

26. Flavio lived in the slums of Brazil when Parks first met him and his family.

27. Gloria Vanderbilt was an author and painter who had a romantic relationship with Gordon. Her famous son was Anderson Cooper. Her ancestors owned the railroad companies and hence gained much wealth from it.

28. Vanderbilt described their relationship as being intimate, respectful, and loving.

29. My definition of success is to be content and truly satisfied with whatever you are doing in life.

30. I have given up sleep, social activities, and time to become successful.

31. Parks gave up personal relationships and family time to become successful.

32. Genevieve Young's father was a diplomat involved in foreign affairs.

33. Parks was given an advance of $10,000 to write his first book.

34. Elijah Muhammad offered Parks a million dollars to do a story on the Nation of Islam.

35. Parks didn't want the money because he didn't want to be influenced or controlled by Muhammad.

36. The movie Learning Tree was the first movie directed and produced by a Black man.

37. Shaft was a Black superhero which was extremely rare and unseen during that era.

38. Gordon Park's choice of weapons were his camera, writing skills, and photography.

39. Genevieve Young claimed that she couldn't handle the fast pace and unpredictable lifestyle of Gordon Parks.

40. 12 Years A Slave told the same story as Solomon Northrup's Odyssey.

41. Gordon Parks Jr. was Gordon Parks's son who followed his father's career path and became a director/photographer. He later died in a plane crash at the age of 44.

42. My favorite Gordon Parks's photo is the American Gothic.

43. I will remember Gordon Parks as being the first African American man who brought change into the society through photography and that he paved the way for other aspiring African American artists.


  1. Excellent display of your superior comprehension of whoever this movie was about.

  2. Excellent display of your superior comprehension of whoever this movie was about.
