Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

4. What photo have you taken this school year that changed how you viewed photography? What is your decisive photo? Why? (include the photo and explanation)

          Taking Digital Photography was a very new and unique experience to me. I always aspired to be a photographer but I never knew that I could take pictures with such detail and dexterity. There are many photos that I have taken over the course of the semester but none as transforming as this picture posted below. After I took this photo and edited it, I saw how beautiful it truly was and this proved to me that I had the potential to become a good photographer. I took this picture from a flight window and I also took many pictures of the cloud. I became more and more confident as the images I saw with my eyes transformed exactly into my camera. This picture gives me hope and aspiration to become a photographer someday. This photo is very decisive as I had several other favorite pictures but I ended up choosing this one in the end as always because something speaks to me in this picture. I took this picture in bird's eye view and looking down at San Francisco from that height and perspective was magical. I took my breath away. Every time I look at this photo, my heart fills with joy and it makes me really proud. This is why I would say that this picture really changed my whole view point on photography. 

5. What is the difference between shape and form?  

          Shapes are made at the intersection of three lines and are noticeable inside and outside of the natural world. The way shapes are portrayed in pictures lures the eye to look and pay close attention to its composition. The positive area in a picture may be composed of numerous shapes. The form of an object is seen via lightness and darkness of the picture. The form is the three-dimensional aspect of any object and since a picture is two-dimensional, form can be seen in the photo as light and shadow. Form includes three key elements: length, width, and depth while shapes only has two: length and width. The form is predicted by the intensity and direction of light in the picture. If there wasn't any light there wouldn't be any type of form or even a picture. A black and white picture is really useful in seeing form as it highlights the objects in the photograph without any color distractions making everything simply light and shadow. Shapes are two-dimensional while form is three-dimensional.

6. What is the difference between pattern and repetition?

            Repetition is an object, form, or shape that is recurring. Repeated use of a shape, color, or an other art element or design in a picture can help to harmonize the different parts as a whole. The repetition however maybe limited to an instance or two therefore not enough to create a pattern or rhythm, but enough to have a visual impact and accent certain aspects of the photograph.While, pattern id s combination of elements or shapes repeated in a recurring and regular arrangement. Pattern has been used for several centuries and it is symbolic of people's beliefs, tradition, religion, art, and history. They can be motifs as well. For example, a mosaic which is an ancient Roman art of form of creating images by arranging glass, stones, or other materials into a picture uses pattern. 

7. Define movement using one of your photos and an explanation. 

           Movement is the path the viewer's eye takes through the photograph, often focal areas. This type of movement can be directed to shapes, lines, edges, and color within the work of art. It is this rhythmic effect that has a visual element that often repeats itself. The picture which I referenced earlier shows movement as it takes the viewer's eye through the beginning of the San Mateo bridge till the end where it disappears. There are also cars that are moving along the bridge and the plane is in motion as well. The clouds are also moving in this picture. Hence, this picture indicates movement in several aspects.

8. Of the last three projects, what was your best work? Include the link to your best work and explain why you believe this is your best work. How did this project change you? How did you learn to see differently? 

     Of the last three projects my best work was this picture that I took for the Spring Expo project. I really like this picture because it is very vibrant and it truly captures the ethnic diversity that I hoped would be seen in my pictures. I think that this is my best work as the picture itself is very bright and bold and after I edited it, the photo became even more prominent. The bright color of the bangles against the neutral background creates a contrast and adds a very unique and vibrant element in the image. I am very satisfied with the way it turned out. This project changed me as I began to look at the normal, ordinary things in life differently. Before when I wore Indian clothes or attended weddings I never paid much attention to each aspect of the outfit, I just focused on the entirety of the outfit itself. This project made me to look at the ordinary things in life with a new found perspective. I saw that even the most simple and common things in life could be seen differently. I have begun to value these small elements more. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Project Proposal

I will be photographing my culture and capturing the diverse background I come from. The pictures I am photographing are all elements a bride wears during a marriage ceremony. Through my pictures I hope to show the step by step process of how a bride gets ready.

One picture of bangles
One picture of a traditional dress
One picture of earrings
One picture of henna
One picture of a bindi

Some famous photographers who capture ethnic diversity that I am inspired by are:

Andrena Photography

Rahul Dutta Photography

Lina and Jirsa Photography

By using bright lighting provided by the Sun and a white cloth as a backdrop I plan to take these pictures.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Student Website Reviews

Period 2- Estell Kim Photography

I really like the 5th picture because it shows exquisite photography editing skills as the background is blurred profoundly with a nice brightness that makes the two girls sitting down pop.

Period 3- Anita Yen Photography

I love the picture of the nuts as it is a nice close-up and it provides more depth and a different perspective about looking at these nuts falling out of a bowl. The sharpness and brightness of the bowl adds a nice touch to the pictures.

Period 4- Frozen Memories

I think the picture of all the nail polishes arranged in that unique shape is very interesting and appealing to the eye. I like the blank background as it provides a good base to the picture and the vibrant colors of the nail polish make a good contrast. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Nature Project Idea

           I am inspired by the colors of nature which is what I hope to capture in my pictures. The wider end of the zoom will allow me to include minute details in the picture and contrast it from its surroundings. The use of a wide-angle increases depth of field, so the subject and backdrop can be recorded in sharp focus. I would be photographing mostly with natural light and capturing flowers with vibrant colors. I am inspired by the following photographers and I hope I do justice by adequately photographing the wonders of nature. 

I would take pictures of common flowers that grow around the suburban areas in Fremont. I am planning on visiting Gomes Park and Lake Elizabeth to capture my pictures.  

Flower Photographers 

My favorite picture taken by Jose Antunes Flower Photography 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Best Picture


I took this picture from our flight when we were about to land in San Francisco. I edited it by making it black and white, and I also added some contrast to make the bridge stand out more. 

My Favorite Photographers: 

4. Alessandro Dal Bouni: http://www.alessandrodalbuoni.com/about

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Multicultural Week Story

Students eagerly await to watch all the performances.

MSJ Koren pop band performs a medley of songs.

Leadership students check to make sure next act is ready and see whether things are running smoothly or not.

Traditional Chinese dancers perform to upbeat songs from famous cultural movies including Mulan.

MSJ students perform various sword fighting stunts to demonstrate the strong background of self defense in their upbringing. 

Ishaara, MSJ's Bollywood team, performs on hits dating from the 90's to modern day music with a fusion of American music in it as well. 

Assembly concludes with the Senior Bhangra performance and the Class of 2015's unified chant, "Hoo! Ha! You wish you were a senior!" 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Multicultural Week

      There isn't a greater show of ethnic diversity than multicultural week held at Mission annually during the month of April. The campus becomes vibrant with colors of countries worldwide and everyone is representing their own culture. It is wonderful to see everyone become excited and look forward to this week since fall. The atmosphere of the campus changes drastically and the air is filled with aromatic smells. The food served by all the clubs is one of the most anticipated events during MC week. The students rush when the lunch bell rings and everyone gets in line to get food like Chipotle and Krispy Kreme. This is a great way of raising funds and making money for the clubs and classes on campus. This year there is a new ticketing system where students buy tickets instead of using actual money in order to prevent clubs from losing any money. Lunch time is a bustle of activity as everyone walks around with their friends trying food from a broad range of cultures. Some of the food include samosas, pho, milk tea, and falafels. This occurs in the first four days of the week and finally Friday rolls around. The most exciting and enthralling assembly takes place on the last day of MC week. There are dance performances from different ethnic backgrounds and it is a joy to watch all the various traditions and customs showcased under one roof in the Gym. Some of my favorite performances include Bollywood, Raas and Garba, Hip-Hop, and Senior Bhangra. There are all very upbeat and energetic. Overall, multicultural week at Mission is one of the few things about Mission that will always stand out to me and bring back warm memories. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

Individual (Absent)

Lens Blog

1. Fast shutter speed as the other two vehicles in the picture are a bit blurry.

2. A clearly visible rule of composition in this photo is leading lines as they stretch perfectly from end to end.

3. Elements of Art: Lines following the highway sides and the metal barrier create straight lines that stretch into the picture creating a sense of depth and this gives the audience a new dimension to view the picture in.

4. Principle of Design: Balance is shown in this picture as there is an equal division of elements. The divider in the center of the road is the median line that separates both the halves of the photos. The knocked over van also adds an eerie sense of conformity to the picture's other elements.

"Tuesday with Farley's Kids"

 Shutter Speed: 1/10 of a second

Monday, April 13, 2015

Principles of Design


Occurs when all of the elements of a piece combine to make a balanced, harmonious, complete whole.  


Saturation +15 
Exposure +45 
Contrast -8

Principles of Design


A principle of design concerned with diversity or contrast. Variety is achieved by using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art.  


Highlights -22
Saturation +36 
Brightness -20 
Contrast +11 

Principles of Design


A principle of design that refers to the relationship of certain elements to the whole and to each other.  

Highlights -48
Shadows +30
Saturation +4 

Principles of Design


The movement or variation characterized by the regular recurrence or alternation of different quantities or conditions of an object, shape line or form. 


Brightness -28
Contrast +47
Shadows +16 

Principles of Design


When lines, shapes, and colors within a picture occur in an orderly way (as in wallpaper), they create patterns that often enhance the attractiveness of photographs. 


Contrast +20
Shadows +27 
Saturation +10

Principles of Design


A way of combining elements to stress the differences between those elements. 

Color pop Yellow 
Intensity +50 
Highlights -14 
Exposure -2

Principles of Design


A principle of design that indicates movement, created by the careful placement of repeated elements in a work of art to cause a visual tempo or beat. 

Highlights -11
Brightness -12 
Contrast +7 

Principles of Design


A principle of design used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art. 

Shadows +24 
Contrast +20 
Exposure -6
Saturation +7 

Principles of Design


A way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. Major types are symmetrical and asymmetrical

Saturation +18 
Hue -10 

Elements of Art


An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of art.

Saturation +18
Lightness -10

Elements of Art


An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.

Slight background blurring 
Sharpness +20

Friday, March 27, 2015

Elements of Art


An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume; includes height, width AND depth (as in a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder). Form may also be free flowing.

Sharpness +72 
Hue +6
Saturation -3 

Elements of Art


An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.

Blur Background
Sharpness +74 
Hue + 4
Saturation -2 

Elements of Art


An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity.

Blur Background 
Sharpness +86

Elements of Art


An element of art defined by a point moving in space. Line may be two-or three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract.

Brightness -35
Contrast +93 

Favorite Post

Documenting the Blues in Mississippi Delta

My favorite photograph in the album was Mama Jean holding the Holy Bible. I really like this picture because it symbolizes hope during a time of turmoil. She clearly is very old and seems to not have enough food to eat and one of her teeth is missing as well. This shows the amount of poverty and distress the African Americans were in.

Mama Jean with the Holy Bible

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Half Past Autumn - Gordon Parks Questions (All parts)

1. The doctor saved Gordon's life by immersing him in ice-cold water which caused a shock in his body and made his heart to start beating again.

2. Gordon was born in Fort Scott, Kansas.

3. Ms. McClintock advised him to not to go to college since he was a black student and told him not to spend their families' money as they were all going to end up as maids and porters anyway.

4. Gordon's mother, Sarah, died when Gordon was only 14 years old.

5. Gordon moved to live with his sister Maggie in St. Paul, Minnesota.

6. No, Gordon never went to college.

7. Parks was inspired by photographs of migrants workers in a magazine so he bought his first camera and began to take pictures of  migrant workers and he soon got an assignment at a women's store in St. Paul, Minnesota.

8. A double exposure is a photographic technique that combines two images into one.

9. Joe Louis was the first African American boxer to achieve nationwide recognition and played a key role in the anti-Nazi movement before WWII.

10. Parks played the piano.

11. The purpose of farm security administration was to help reduce poverty.

12. Stryker's first assignment for Gordon was to go around Washington D.C. and take pictures of the working class people to portray their hardships like the famous American Gothic.

13. Ella Watson was a pioneer from Wyoming who got accused of cattle rustling and was hence lynched by powerful cattle ranchers for not listening to them.

14. Wood's inspiration to paint that picture came from the Dibble House which was a small white house with Gothic architecture. His painting visualized the house and the type of people he imagined that would live inside.

15. Gordon learned that the subjects of photography are more important as they are the ones who give a true meaning and value to the picture. He learned about all the hardships humans faced on a daily basis and became more compassionate.

16. The FSA shut down soon after 1941.

17. Gordon Parks shot for Vogue after he moved to New York City.

18. Wilson Hicks was the picture editor of Life Magazine when Gordon Parks first walked in.

19. The first major story Parks covered for Life Magazine was a crime story of Harlem's gang leader.

20. Gordon was heavily influenced by the works of Van Gogh, Bernard, and Picasso when he moved to the Paris Life Magazine bureau.

21. Gordon followed the models and shot their movements to capture the fashion element.

22. Parks' concerto performed in Venice, Italy.

23. Gordon's second wife was a model named Elizabeth Campbell. Her father was Gordon's boss.

24. Flavio de Silva was 12 years old when Parks first met him.

25. Parks met Flavio when he was on an assignment for Life magazine in Brazil.

26. Flavio lived in the slums of Brazil when Parks first met him and his family.

27. Gloria Vanderbilt was an author and painter who had a romantic relationship with Gordon. Her famous son was Anderson Cooper. Her ancestors owned the railroad companies and hence gained much wealth from it.

28. Vanderbilt described their relationship as being intimate, respectful, and loving.

29. My definition of success is to be content and truly satisfied with whatever you are doing in life.

30. I have given up sleep, social activities, and time to become successful.

31. Parks gave up personal relationships and family time to become successful.

32. Genevieve Young's father was a diplomat involved in foreign affairs.

33. Parks was given an advance of $10,000 to write his first book.

34. Elijah Muhammad offered Parks a million dollars to do a story on the Nation of Islam.

35. Parks didn't want the money because he didn't want to be influenced or controlled by Muhammad.

36. The movie Learning Tree was the first movie directed and produced by a Black man.

37. Shaft was a Black superhero which was extremely rare and unseen during that era.

38. Gordon Park's choice of weapons were his camera, writing skills, and photography.

39. Genevieve Young claimed that she couldn't handle the fast pace and unpredictable lifestyle of Gordon Parks.

40. 12 Years A Slave told the same story as Solomon Northrup's Odyssey.

41. Gordon Parks Jr. was Gordon Parks's son who followed his father's career path and became a director/photographer. He later died in a plane crash at the age of 44.

42. My favorite Gordon Parks's photo is the American Gothic.

43. I will remember Gordon Parks as being the first African American man who brought change into the society through photography and that he paved the way for other aspiring African American artists.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Movie Notes: The Photo League

1. The Photo League's credo was "Struggle against and expose reactionary film". This was a method of expressing their views on current social situation.
2. The League separated from Frontier Films.
3. The workshop was a photo exhibit where all the photographers would convene and discuss ideas, new techniques, and look at other photographers' works.
4. The workshop was taught by Kanaga.
5. I would devote my time to expanding my non-profit organizations to other countries in the world and bring more attention to the causes.
6. The Harlem Document was a collection of pictures of Harlem taken during the Great Depression.There is intense humanity and sensitivity seen in all the pictures.
7. The Harlem Document was started by Aaron Siskind.
8. A photographer discusses a photograph where "the children looked like they came out of a Picasso painting.” The painter was Picasso.
9. The photograph had a surreal appearance which was the kind of painting that Picasso is well-known for.
10. Lewis Hine was an American sociologist and a photographer. He used his pictures as a tool for social reform. This was vital in changing the American child labor laws.
11. Weegee was a photographer and a photojournalist who is well-known for street photography.
12. When the Nazis took power, many photographers left for the military and the rest focused on capturing the gruelsome details of war life.
13. The League shifted its focus to photographing the details of the aftermath of WWII.
14. Siskind began looking for the positive aspects of life as the entire world lay covered in blood in hopes of motivating the public.
15. The Saturday Evening Post was a bimonthly American magazine.
16. Barbara Morgan was an American photographer best known for her dance pictures.
17. The Photo League was undermined when they were accused of being a Communist organization.
18. The "Growing Menace" in the film were the accusations of communism that rapidly proliferated across the nation.
19. Louis Steffrer agreed to serve as president when The League was under investigation of being a Communist organization.
20. The League stopped recruiting and slowly died out during its trials of promoting Communism. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

From Smartphones to Museum Walls- Comment

Photo Review

I like this photo because it is very unique and quite humorous as well. The photographer was very creative in arranging the people's hammocks in that manner as it gives a new angle to the photo. It is very eccentric and out of the ordinary.
